Page name: The Fuck Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-06-01 03:16:01
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 9
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sorry......can't cyber here anymore........any cybering that occurs here will be deleted. If you want to cyber that's your own business, just can't do it here. again sorry for any inconvenience.

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[Aleka]: thank you letters... ick... and yes if you got enough tic tacs to last an average person a few months and ate them all in a few days you'd be addicted to!

[Cherub]: Wanders into the room wondering if anyone in here

[Lilly_Cortez]: *leans on the wall with hat over her eyes*

[Cherub]: *waves to wolf even tho it looks like she has gone to sleep and finds a comfortable chair to settle in*

[Lilly_Cortez]: *looks up and smiles*

[Cherub]: *smiles back* had a nice sleep or was you just resting there?

[Aleka]: ....sleep good!

[Cherub]: you tired already you only just got back :P

[Aleka]: ....well... i went to school and got bored out of my mind...

[Lilly_Cortez]: i was resting the Grim*smiles and walks over*

[Cherub]: fair enough i guess you are allowed to be tired i have just been packing all day

[Aleka]: packing what fun!

[Cherub]: yeah fun *snores* why do you think i am relaxing now

[Aleka]: lol... ummm optimisimn my friend!

[Cherub]: and so it goes quiet again :(

[Lilly_Cortez]: sorry playing a game and typeing at the same time is hard

[Cherub]: no need to be sorry wolf you enjoy your game i will just have to make noise in here by myself *pulls out a large set of drums*

[Aleka]: ...mmm drums!! i love drummers....

[Cherub]: you love anyone :P

[Aleka]: ...well no... but i love almost anyone... but i can't stand some people... i can't remember who they are at the moment but i know there are some

[Cherub]: ok when you think of them tell me :D

[Aleka]: ....ummm.... well... i don't like substitute teachers who are a bit to personall... i don't like driving instructors....they're just to up tight... i don't like people who think their smart and try to show it when they have the mentallity of a 6 year old... oh there's more... just give me a lil bit and i'll think of more

[Cherub]: ok we could make a page out of it

[Aleka]: lol! yes it'll be called the mary hate page... the page where mary goes and tells people who she despises... that'd be an ever growing page... just b/c people in general piss me off

[Cherub]: i hope i do not should be interesting to look at tho

[Aleka]: ehh... it'd become a joke to me in the end...

[Gone4Eva]: its says if your 14 you can only cyber 14 year olds, ill be 15 in less then 17 days, can i brake that rule or do i have to wight 17 days?

[Aleka]: LOL... sorry umm maybe that was written wrong... if you are under the age of 14 then you can not cyber with anyone... 14 and above please enjoy!

[Gone4Eva]: sorry i read it wrong, 16 days it is

[Aleka]: oh cool.. happy early b-day! 8) gonna get your license or do you live somewhere where you have to wait a few more years?

[Gone4Eva]: i have to be 16 to get my license, i have been able to get a perment for a year now, but i saw no point in it.

[Aleka]: ... don't you have to have your permit for 6 months before you can get your license....

[Gone4Eva]: yeah thats why im going to get in 8months before i trun 16

[Aleka]: damnit your turning 15... god where did i get 16.. i can't count *slaps herself* in my defense i've be awake for less than an hour...

[Gone4Eva]: i think i was the 16 days thing, wite is it the 9th?

[Aleka]: no its the 8th... it probally was the 16 days thing....

[Aleka]: atleast... i think it is but the way my day is going today it might not be

[Gone4Eva]: ill go check, yop the 8th, so its 16 days

[Aleka]: okay.. glad i got something correct today

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[Yanaba]: who is [DrakeRivenworth] and why has he not informed me that he wants a room??? I'm perfectly fine w/ ppl having rooms i just need them to ASK ME FIRST!!! it's only polite, people...c'mon!....sorri

[Yanaba]: ...unless he did ask me already and i just forgot......yeah. i dunno.  ....oh....wait....he's a man maybe he did. i don't know. oh well

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[Aleka]: berni... i don't know if he asked you but he is a nice guy

[Gone4Eva]: 15 days to go

[Aleka]: ...8) are they throwing you a big party or are you just thrilled to be 15 and can't wait?

[Gone4Eva]: i dont know if im going to have a party dont think i well ill just be happy to be able to come here and cum

[Aleka]: ... but you can do that already...your 14.....

[Gone4Eva]: i know i can i just cant do it here. lol

[Aleka]: ....why not? your 14.... so you can but if you were 13... now theres another issue

[Earoluim]: ....

[Aleka]: ....yes?

[Earoluim]: Just checking over all sites Im connected with looking for something to do.

[Aleka]: oh really? well lets see... [Yanaba] just logged on... you can see if you can "do" something with her... ummm... you could visit hilly's hookers and read all the sex stories and thoughts of a hooker.... or you could join my man whores......

[Cherub]: ahh all is right again i am missing aleka by a few hours

[Gone4Eva]: mmmmmmmm i dont like girls that why aleka

[Aleka]: lol... well then you could just go bug... [gay guy] he is cool... umm i know i have more gay man whores....... only by a few hours [Cherub] 8)

[:Alkor:]: mary has sex fantasy dreams about me when she sleeps *giggles*

[Aleka]: .....yes... yes i do... why arent you making those fantasies come true? *puppy eyes*

[Gone4Eva]: you should make a list of mmms who are gay and mmms that arnt

[Aleka]: .... why should i discriminate my man whores? you can go discover which ones are gay on your own...

[:Alkor:]: i dont know *smiles and gives you a kiss* hehehe

[Aleka]: aww i got a kiss!

[:Alkor:]: *giggles* yup

[Aleka]: *sticks her tongue out at you*

[:Alkor:]: *licks your tongue and holds my mouth*

[Aleka]: AHHHHH MY TONGUES BEEN LICKED In PUBLIC! what is the world coming to... ;P

[:Alkor:]: i have no clue wht is coming to but i heard its coming to an end -_-'

[Aleka]: 8)... someday it will end and hopefully i'll be on a spaceship with a really powerful telescope to see it when it is destroyed!! wouldn't that be the coolest thing to see from a distance?

[:Alkor:]: lol..yup

[Aleka]: god computer graphics are great and all but actually seeing a planet explode would be an unrivaled experience

[:Alkor:]: *blank stare*

[Aleka]: ....?

[:Alkor:]: Oro?

[Aleka]: huh? whats that mean?

[:Alkor:]: i dunno

[Aleka]: then why you say it?


[Aleka]: ...o.O

[:Alkor:]: *hugs* ORGASM TIME *freaks out*

[Aleka]: shit! am i suppose to have one!! or is it your turn!!? ....

[Yanaba]: a;ldkfuiosdj;alknt;lkje[w

[Lilly_Cortez]: *watchs*

[:Alkor:]: *humps the wall and falls over* ... *dies*

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 *blink blink* >> *slowly walks away*

[Aleka]: ...oh i guess it was his turn.... i hope it was worth his life... did you enjoy it that much?

[:Alkor:]: *leg twitches*

[Yanaba]: well, at least he died happy

[Lilly_Cortez]: yeah

[Shadow Reaper]: hey maiden ^^

[:Alkor:]: *jumps up and clings to [Yanaba]'s leg and humps it*

[Lilly_Cortez]: hey Reaper come here often

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, to some of the rooms at any rate =^^=

[Aleka]: [Yanaba] you just walk in and get more attention than i do!

[Yanaba]: heehee....well, when you're popular...

[:Alkor:]: LOL

[Aleka]: lol! of course of course

[Lilly_Cortez]: cool

[Shadow Reaper]: *tilts head slightly with a slight grin* of course, being who i am....i've been thinking about maybe getting my own room

[Lilly_Cortez]: cool do you want me to be the first one you do

[:Alkor:]: you people are lovable

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, i need a room first ^__^

[Aleka]: damn... [Yanaba]'s eating but ummm... she'll be back on later and she'll give you a room....

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, k, thanks for letting me know ^^

[Lilly_Cortez]: yeah

[Shadow Reaper]: heheh, this will definitely be interesting....

[Aleka]: 8)... she eats at random times.... its rather amusing... sometimes its 8:00 at night or its like now at 4:30... just weird

[Shadow Reaper]: lol sounds like me :P

[Aleka]: 8) ... weird people... i always eat late... it is just unnatural that people can eat so randomly

[Shadow Reaper]: heheh, i just eat whenever i get hungry

[Lilly_Cortez]: me to

[Aleka]: ... i don't really get hungry any more.... i guess my body is use to my eating schedule....

[Shadow Reaper]: :P it's a random thing for me

[Lilly_Cortez]: same as reaper

[Aleka]: i guess i am unigue...

[Shadow Reaper]: *shrugs*

[Aleka]: 8).. i'm not complaining

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, not really any reason too ^^

[Cherub]: i prefer eating at random times too its less effort then trying to fit things round when you normally eat :P

[Shadow Reaper]: *nods* very true...the only problem is if you don't have food on hand when you do get hungry

[Cherub]: oh then i tend to just forget to eat if don't have food in a while

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, i'm sorta in a sad position right now...i'm eating soup out of a can

[Cherub]: as long as it is warmed up that is fine saves on washing up :P

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, nope, it's's still good though

[Cherub]: ewww cold soup

[Aleka]: ....ummm... thats just icky

[Shadow Reaper]: lol what? i don't have a microwave...and it's only steak and potatoe soup

[Aleka]: ...i'm sorry but soup was made to be eaten warm and cold soup is eww

[Cherub]: yay aleka *gives her a long big hug* 2 against one now :P

[Aleka]: lol *hugs grimdale back* we rule by majority! 8P

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 *hides grin* heh, i'll keep my thoughts to myself....

[Aleka]: .... well ... okay but then nothing will ever change and you in the minority will have no voice for ever

[Cherub]: nah talk away :P just cold soup is yuck

[Shadow Reaper]: lol well, let me see...we're on this page...with the subject as it is...and two against one almost sounds like a threesome ^^

[Cherub]: its an orgy of sorts i guess :P

[Shadow Reaper]: heheh :P

[Aleka]: lol... o.O

[Shadow Reaper]: lol can't exactly help thinking those kinds of thoughts....especially here ^_^

[Cherub]: well yeah it is the right place for these thoughts and yet we talk about cold soup :S

[Aleka]: yeah... i forgot what page i was on... with the topic being soup i doubt that i could be blamed

[Cherub]: aww aleka you will just have to grab a guy to remind you

[Shadow Reaper]: heheh, ok, forget about the soup...i've moved on to little debbies..those zebra cakes *grins* and i've also got some honey roasted nuts ^^

[Cherub]: cashew nuts?

[Aleka]: oh my god!! honey roasted nuts!! i love those.... mmm so good and crunchy and yummy!!

[Cherub]: as long as you don't enjoy crunching all nuts :S

[Aleka]: ...oh the things i could say... but i'll be good

[Shadow Reaper]: lol *puts hand over crotch* yeah, no kidding...heh, i love them too, but those are the only kind i like

[Cherub]: i said that due to the things you could say :P

[Shadow Reaper]: heh *backs away, protectively covering nuts* ^^:

[:Alkor:]: *sits on ground* you people are weird

[Aleka]: life anthony life is full of strange and unigue people... we are simply conversing on nuts at the moment....

[:Alkor:]: lol..i like salty tasty nuts in an everlasting can...Mmm the sensation of the orgasim..*gets an orgasim*

[Aleka]: i'll take your word for it...

[:Alkor:]: you know you like it [Shadow Reaper] your just jealus

[:Alkor:]: *throws a salty tasty nut at mary* HAHAHA *blank stare while jaw droped open*

[Cherub]: i am not weird i am completely normal

[:Alkor:]: NORMAL People Scare Me

[Aleka]: ...anthony... what the hell did you throw at me? i'm confused is it your cum or a nut b/c i don't life the former one being tossed at me

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs* if he can throw the first one, that's slightly disturbing...cuz that's pretty thick stuff then

[:Alkor:]: wtf mary..where did you get the idea of CUM? i threw a salty nut at you..jeeze your like a nut freak or something LOL..did you come from the planet Uranus or something cause i swear that you came somwere out in the outter space..

[Aleka]: ....i know that but if anyone would try it'd be anthony....

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs slightly* yep, just goes to show that i've got a perverted mind....

[:Alkor:]: try wht?

[Aleka]: nvm... night all... all the girls will be sad... 3 guys on the orgy page and they missed it... ;)

[Shadow Reaper]: lol yeah, there loss ;)

[:Alkor:]: NO..your not leaving mary..the guys might gang bet me..*tear* ROFL

[Cherub]: especially as a few moan about the fact that there is the lack of guys

[:Alkor:]: *runs to his dark corner and cries* NO you may not

[Cherub]: *looks all confused about bear crying :S*

[:Alkor:]: *stares at grim*

[Cherub]: *stares back at suger*

[Shadow Reaper]: i'm just as confused...

[:Alkor:]: i think Grim is trying to send me some sexual fantasy's about him..ROFL

[Cherub]: well you know you can't resist me suger

[:Alkor:]: you know it hot stuff *winks and blows you a kiss*

[Cherub]: always is ;)

[:Alkor:]: lol

[Cherub]: hmm convos all stopped in here now what should the next thing be about :S

[Aleka]: ...ummm... i'm glad i left so you and anthony could bond... lol... that was a weird convo to read...

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[Cherub]: what we was bored aleka can you blame us

[Aleka]: no no not at all.... it was just... unexpected

[:Alkor:]: oh

[Aleka]: 8P

[Aleka]: how many accounts on here do you have anthony?

[:Alkor:]: 2..why?

[Aleka]: ....hmmm... i guess another one of my friends changed their names... thats so annoying

[:Alkor:]: is it annoying?

[Aleka]: b/c then i don't know who they are and i have to spend the time to figure it out... just inconvient... and then i have to remember the name change....

[:Alkor:]: LOL..okay..i see what you're saying Mary *hugs* hows it going?

[Aleka]: i'm tired and bored and procrastinating all at once! you?

[:Alkor:]: pretty good..just got home from chool..listening to some music..damn bored

[Aleka]: i'd actually watch my movie... but i have to go to work soon.... damnit i wanna watch it!

[:Alkor:]: awww *hugs* wht movie is it?

[Lilly_Cortez]: *watchs*

[:Alkor:]: ?

[Aleka]: hmmm... its resident evil the first one... i like the second better but i haven't gone to the store to buy that one yet.... i'll buy that one tomorrow

[:Alkor:]: omfg..i love resident evil..always wanted to see the second one dammit..BUY ME ONE TOO..LOL j/k

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